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GNOME SWORD is a Bible Study program for Windows and Linux that allows you to download all of the free Bible translations (not NIV) and search threw them with a search engine. It also includes commentaries, Dictionaries, and other resources. The main program is split up into 5 sections. On the left is the navigation between Bible's, Commentaries, and other selections. In the top bar (not a section) you can choose which Book, Chapter, and Verse you want to navigate to and it will highlight that verse in green. In the left upper box is where the Bible is displayed, the commentary is to the right of it and below are the dictionary and search result box that gives you a preview of a scripture and shows you where the keywords are. Also the translations come in a variety of languages.Rate the policy or agreement based on fairness and how much they trust the customer (1-5 penguins) And post a link to the current agreement at that time and date in a saved .pdf file that is on a private page or server so that it can't be altered by the company. Provide a link to their current agreement.
Product or service quality, value, Bang per buck ratio.
Similar products or services from other companies.
Shipping rates, handling, and do they offer USPS, UPS, FEDEX or what? Do the items arrive broken? How long does it take for them to ship them out.
Payment Methods. I.E. PayPal, credit card, google checkout, Direct
deposit, etc.
CrossWire Bible Society;
P. O. Box 2528;
Tempe, AZ 85280-2528 USA
Any personal experiences.
Does this company outsource? If so how much is outsourced?
Linux Compatibility
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