(1 - 5 penguins)
This morning 03/14/08 I was watching CBS channel 2/3 in my town and instead of saying that their new shows were all new they said they were all GNU. Right away I went down stairs and fired up my Dad's computer and started recording that channel so that I could upload that little announcement to blip tv and put it here for all of you to see for yourselves. I called my friends and they could not believe it. Now they were implying the GNU we all know and love. They showed a RAM with the CBS logo on the side. Some of you however are so GNU that you won't use those nasty adobe flash player plugins so you won't be able to see it here. Obviously I'm not one of those people.
Also check out this link. http://groups.google.com/group/tvbarn2/browse_thread/thread/d35a06f2c741cca5/84ee7a004e5ce82a?lnk=raot
Please note that if your waiting to see the CBS is all GNU commercial you probably won't as they also have a CBS is all new commercial as well and they don't even show that one at every commercial break. Audio is coming soon.
There was a full-page "All GNU" ad in the LA Times today with Big Bang Theory as the first show mentioned. I think CBS is dogwhistling the hyper-nerd community and I couldn't be happier
Please give me a link to the article. I can't find it.
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